The rules of “Will buy you a beer”


  1. When person “A” says to person “X” “will buy you a beer”, person “A” MUST buy a beer and give it to person “X”.
  2. If person “X” receives a beer from person “A” in order of “rule 1″, person “X” MUST drink the beer in front of person “A”
  3. When person “A” and person “X” are in argument and person “X” win the argument, person “A” MUST tell person “X” “will buy you a beer”
  4. When person “X” helps person “A” for some job/task/work or whatever action defined as “help”, the person “A” must say to person “X” “will buy you a beer”
  5. If person “A” says to person “X” “will buy you a beer” and meanwhile person “X” says to person “A”  ”will buy you a beer”, both beers do NOT cancel each others! Each person must give and receive an actual real beer form the other.
  6. When person “A” accuses person “X” of something and later person “A” admits that he was wrongly accuse person “X”, person “A” MUST tell person “X” ”will buy you a beer”

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